It’s Retreat Time for the Board of the Lyre Association of North America!

The LANA Board will be holding its Annual Directors’ Meeting on August 26-27. Our 2020 lyrists’ “gathering” was our well-attended Zoom call on International Lyre Day. Next year, however, we hope to all be together again at the International Lyre Conference in the Czech Republic. There, members and friends of LANA will gather for an in-person Annual Members’ Meeting to reflect on the past year as an organization, to collect thoughts and ideas from everyone, and to share with one another our regional lyre work.

Although we will miss our annual in-person meeting this year, we invite you to offer reflections about our International Lyre Day or any of our Association’s programs and services. We are also looking for members and friends of LANA from anywhere in the world who would be interested in joining with LANA leaders to serve on one of our committees. These include Finance, Music Sales, Lyre Rentals, Membership, Publications, and Website. If you have an interest in any of these areas and would be willing to participate in periodic Zoom meetings, we would be delighted to have your input! All thoughts, ideas, and offers can be sent to

We appreciate and value the support of all our members and friends around the world in whatever way you can offer it!

With gratitude,
The LANA Board