LANA Music Sales Report for July and August 2022

For the month of July, LANA had a total of 18 sales and free downloads for members and friends in Brazil, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Three music books were sold in the US, and there were 6 paid downloads of John Billing’s Scales book.  In addition, there were 3 free downloads for the US, the UK, and Canada.

We also had 4 LANA membership renewals – two each from the US and Brazil.

For the month of August, LANA had a total of 48 sales combined with free downloads to members and friends in the US, Canada, Switzerland, Korea, Japan, the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands.

Nine volumes of music and two books on music were sold to members and friends in the US in addition to two used books from the Kerry Lee Collection.  We had two paid music downloads for the US and Canada as well as 27 free music downloads for Korea, Japan, UK, US, Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland.

We also had accessory sales of one tuning fork, one tuning wrench, and lyre strings in addition to two additional LANA membership renewals from the US.

Sally Willig, for LANA Music Sales