One of the distinguishing aspects of working in a Waldorf school is vocal music. Whether it is the purity of the young voices, the glorious rounds that accompany the morning lessons, or the older classes finding their way to singing four-part harmony, music permeates the day. The class teacher and the music teacher alike have the joyous challenge of leading this singing with every student in class.
Part of this challenge lies in how to lead the music. When do you let it flow? When does it need direction? This course will encompass a range of music from easy pentatonic songs from the early grades to challenging songs in four-part harmony. You may participate in one of three levels in this class:
- Singers: learn the songs from the curriculum and be a part of the fun
- Class/Subject teachers: learn the basic technique of how to lead simple songs and rounds
- Music teachers: take on more complicated works with the group in “master class” style and improve your conducting skills
Come prepared to sing, to lead, and to deepen your experience of how music can be brought to life in the classroom, in faculty meetings, and in your school community.
Jeffrey Spade has been teaching music in Waldorf schools for the past 28 years, having served as the Music Director at the Kimberton Waldorf School, the Chicago Waldorf School, and currently the Rudolf Steiner School in New York City, where he is the Lower School Chair and a member of the vocal music faculty. As a guest teacher, mentor, and consultant, he has worked with the Pasadena Waldorf High School, the Waldorf School of Baltimore, the Great Barrington Rudolf Steiner School, the Washington Waldorf School, the Waldorf School of the Peninsula, and the Urban Prairie Waldorf School. In addition to working in the classroom and conducting choirs and ensembles, Jeffrey has been a member of the Core Group at the Arcturus teacher training program in Chicago, taught several courses at Sunbridge Institute, and also led music classes in Waldorf teacher training programs run by the Center for Anthroposophy and Antioch University New England.
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