to Apr 6

Regional Lyre Weekend with Veronika Roemer

An opportunity for lyre players to make music together: improvise, learn a few new pieces, strengthen your technique, and have joy!

Verronika Roemer (on the Right) with participants in the 2021 Kimberton Regional Lyre Workshop

Dates: Friday 4/4/25 at 7pm, Saturday 9AM – 7 PM, Sunday 4/6/25, 9AM –12 noon
Location: 2237 Kimberton Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460 

Cost: $60 for the whole workshop to be paid at the beginning of the gathering; $20 for children, who may join the workshop on Saturday between 2:00 and 5:00 pm

Food: Please bring or plan to purchase your own snacks/lunch/dinner. Kimberton Whole Foods is a short walk away.

This workshop is for any player, regardless of skill level. Upon registration, you will receive material to prepare for the weekend. Children and youth who have been introduced to the chromatic lyre are welcome on Saturday from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.

Veronika Roemer has many years' experience of working with groups of mixed abilities. Sessions include singing, improvising, and playing from sheet music. Music is chosen according to the players' abilities and often arranged to fit the need. 

For any questions and to register, please email: vbrtnstn@gmail.com.

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2025 Summer Lyre Conference with Master Lyre Teacher Christian Giersch
to Aug 20

2025 Summer Lyre Conference with Master Lyre Teacher Christian Giersch

  • Camphill Village Copake (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

AUGUST 15-20
for the 2025 Summer Lyre Conference with Master Lyre Teacher Christian Giersch 

We are very happy to announce that the dates have been set for our 2025 Summer Lyre Conference with renowned lyrist and teacher, Christian Giersch, to be held at Camphill Village in Copake, New York.  

The conference will open with Registration on Friday afternoon, August 15th, followed by LANA’s Annual Members Meeting and official Opening Evening that will feature performances by local musicians and other lyrists, with a talk and musical offering by Christian. The conference will then run for the subsequent four days of Saturday, August 16 – Tuesday, August 19th, and there will be a public sharing of music for the community on Tuesday evening, August 19th. The plenum, evaluations, and closing will take place on Wednesday morning, August 20th. And we are very pleased to announce that we will once again host a Youth Program that will run simultaneously with the adult conference and will be carried and conducted by Veronika Roemer

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us once again in beautiful upstate New York for our 2025 summer conference, which will be a wonderful preparation for the Centenary World Lyre Conference that will take place at the Goetheanum in the summer of 2026 from Wednesday, July 29th – Sunday, August 3rd

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2026 Centenary World Lyre Conference
to Aug 2

2026 Centenary World Lyre Conference

Wednesday, July 29 to Sunday, August 2, 2026 in Dornach, Switzerland:
100 Years of the Lyre Impulse – International Festivity Days at the Goetheanum

We would like to warmly welcome all the friends of the international lyre community. Let us come together from as many countries as possible at the Goetheanum, where the lyre was rediscovered as a modern instrument in 1926, in a festive musical gathering, playing and listening and exploring the variety of developments. A letter with further details will follow soon.

Best regards: Stefan Hasler, Viola Heckel and Hanna Koskinen, (Section for the Performing Arts at the Goetheanum), Susann Temperli (Leier Network Switzerland), and Christian Giersch (Leier Forum Germany)

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to Aug 17



Scheduled simultaneously with the adult lyre conference opening on Tuesday evening, the 13th, the fulltime youth program includes afternoon recreational activities such as swimming and games, in addition to exploring local places of interest. Various lunch and supper packages are offered. Full-time participants would need to be accompanied to the conference by an adult or other chaperone for purposes of lodging and meals, although the program itself will be fully staffed.

Children (ages 9-16) can register for the Youth Program as either full-time or half-time participants with optional meal packages. The half-time program will target local children and will include all morning music work and snacks, with an option to join the afternoon activities and meals for an extra fee. 

Our youth program will be led by Veronika Roemer, who is a professional violist and pianist with many years of experience making music with children, using a large variety of instruments, including the lyre. Her work always includes singing, improvising, and learning composed music by ear and from sheet music. Her teaching style was inspired by Pär Ahlbom and Reinhild Brass, musicians and teachers who have developed inspiring new ways to engage children in musical activities that include lots of movement and improvisation.

Please see the registration form at www.lyreassociation.org/accessories for more details.

Half-day fee (without meals) – $60

  • Half-day with lunches ­(Wed–Sat) – $100

  • Full day fee (includes afternoon activities) – $125

  • Full-day with lunches ­(Wed–Sat) – $165

  • Full-day with lunches & suppers ­(Tues–Sat) – $195.

We hope that many children from near and far will take advantage of this opportunity to explore both instrumental and choral music with other children in the Youth Program of the 2024 Summer Lyre Conference at the beautiful Camphill Village in Copake, New York!

For more information about LANA’s summer camp, contact lyrists@gmail.com.

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to Aug 17


  • Camphill Village Copake (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Weaving between Inner Tones and Joyful Music
The Lyre as a Pathway to Balance

with Anna Prokhovnik Cooper and Sarah Boyd

Plans are progressing for the Lyre Association's 2024 Summer Lyre Conference to be held at Camphill Village Copake beginning on Tuesday afternoon, August 13th and going through 12:30 pm on Saturday, August 17th. This conference is intended for all levels, including beginners, and we also warmly invite the participation of teens.

See our conference information for details about costs, meals, housing, and more. Please note the deadlines—

• June 30: Early Bird discount ends

• July 30: Deadline to request housing in a private home (limited availability)

• July 30: Deadline to request a refund of the conference fee

• August 5: Last day to pre-register for the Conference

Hope to see you at our summer conference! To register please visit this link!

Lyre Association of North America: lyrists@gmail.com / 610-608-9281

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Lyre 2023 at Hawthorne Valley School, NY
to Aug 3

Lyre 2023 at Hawthorne Valley School, NY

  • Hawthorne Valley School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Celebrating the Lives and Musical Contributions of Two Anthroposophic Music Therapists:

Maria Schüppel and Channa Seidenberg

  • Presenting at this summer’s conference will be musicians Christina Porkert & Marcela Moreno, who have worked particularly with the music of Maria Schüppel, and Sheila Johns & Diane Barnes, who have worked extensively with the music of Channa Seidenberg.

  • Contact us at (610) 608-9281 or lyrists@gmail.com

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90th Birthday Celebration Weekend for Christof-Andreas Lindenberg
to Oct 15

90th Birthday Celebration Weekend for Christof-Andreas Lindenberg

  • The Camphill School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Christof-Andreas Lindenberg – composer, author, anthroposophic music pioneer and a founder of LANA, artist, innovator, teacher, mentor, and friend to so many  lyrists and musicians throughout the world – reached his landmark 90th birthday on August 20th, 2022!

Family and local friends at The Camphill School at Beaver Run in Glenmoore, Pennsylvania, where Christof-Andreas has lived as a co-worker and facilitator of anthroposophic music therapy for countless children over the last 30 years, gathered on the day of his birthday to offer tributes and a first sounding of some of his choral and instrumental compositions to celebrate the day. 

The Lyre Association of North America would like to continue and expand this celebration with further tributes and music-making by inviting Christof-Andreas’ former students and colleagues from many parts of the US and the world to consider joining the LANA Board for a celebration concert of Christof-Andreas' music on Saturday, October 15 at 4:00 pm at The Camphill School.  

We are planning a program of many favorite compositions by Christof-Andreas. If you would like to join us, we are inviting potential participants to share your favorite compositions as well, so that we might consider including them on our program.

  1. Arrival
    We are inviting friends to arrive on Thursday, October 13th. We plan to have morning and afternoon rehearsals on Friday and a meal together on Friday night. We will then have one additional rehearsal on Saturday morning. A LANA-catered festive lunch and the celebration concert will take place at Beaver Run on Saturday afternoon. There will also be an opportunity for friends to share brief tributes or cameos about your relationship to Christof-Andreas and the influence he has had on your musical path of development.

  2. RSVP by September 24th
    An RSVP form is linked below for anyone who is able to join us for this festive weekend of celebration and music-making. We ask that you return this form as soon as possible (by Sept 24th at the latest) so that we can begin making more detailed arrangements. We will then be sending out copies of the final musical selections as well as options for lodging and a more detailed program with times and locations.

  3. Please join us!
    The weekend of October 15th is slated to be a time of joyful reunion and celebration, not only of Christof-Andreas’ birthday, but of a community of friends and colleagues who have come to know one another over the years through the intersection of the life, work, and inspiration of Christof-Andreas Lindenberg.

The LANA Board

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World Lyre Conference 2022: The Presence of Spirit
to Aug 14

World Lyre Conference 2022: The Presence of Spirit

  • World Lyre Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rising out of the global situation that did not permit us to gather as a world lyre community in the summer of 2021 as originally planned, our brave colleagues and friends in the Czech Republic have rescheduled their hosting of our international lyre conference for this summer of 2022.
The conference will take place in the stunningly beautiful town of Český Krumlov in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic from August 7–14, preceded by a Pedagogical Conference from August 5–7.
The theme that has been chosen is “The Presence of Spirit: Playing the Lyre as an Art of Presence.” During our musically rich days together, we will be able to experience the following:

  • Meeting with lyre-builders and music publishers

  • Workshops for all the levels of playing the lyre (beginners and advanced players)

  • Eurythmy, meditation work, open stages, concerts, lectures

  • Rehearsals for the common public concert.

For more details and the full program, please see https://www.lyra-symposium.cz/en/world-lyre-conference2022.

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Regional Lyre Gathering in Southeastern Pennsylvania
to Jul 31

Regional Lyre Gathering in Southeastern Pennsylvania

All are invited to a small lyre get-together at Margo Ketchum's home in Kimberton, PA on July 30-31, from 9 am to 5 pm. There will be one 3-hour session with a break in the morning, and one 3-hour session with a break in the afternoon.

Each session will be independent, so feel free to come to one or two or all of them. We will have music for all playing levels, unison and in parts, and will address special technical questions such as damping, repeated notes, and more. Each session will also include singing, with and without the lyre.

For questions or signing up, please contact Margo at lyrists@gmail.com or 610-608-9281.

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First Annual Rocky Mountain Lyre Spa Gathering, April 3-5, 2020
to Apr 5

First Annual Rocky Mountain Lyre Spa Gathering, April 3-5, 2020

The Rocky Mountain Lyre Choir is a handful of lyre players on both sides of the Continental Divide wanting to grow our lyre community. Our First Annual Rocky Mountain Lyre Spa Gathering will be held in the beautiful mountain town of Carbondale, CO, pictured above. We have invited Kerry Lee (Kimberton, PA) and Joanna Carey (Durham, NC) to bring their experience and enthusiasm of the lyre to our region. Click here to reserve your spot, and for more details.

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Resonare Reunion March 12-15, 2020
to Mar 15

Resonare Reunion March 12-15, 2020

  • Camhill Copake Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are happy to announce our Resonare Reunion in March 2020!

This will be a wonderful opportunity to re-connect with the work of Resonare, and to join with friends to sing, move, and make music together. This long weekend will take place at Camphill Copake, in Columbia County, NY from March 12-15, 2020.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to attend. Details concerning meals and costs will follow. It is helpful if we know in advance who will have housing needs.  Email Cate Decker at chdecker2@gmail.com.

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to Aug 17

The 3rd International Lyre Symposium in Český Krumlov, Czech Republic

Registration for the 3rd International Lyre Symposium in Český Krumlov is open with the programme being led by Jan Braunstein, Christina Porkert, Hong Chang and Helena Bartošová. The Symposium will take place at Klášter Klarisek (the renovated Clarissa monastery) from Saturday August 10 until Saturday August 17 in South Bohemia (Czech Republic). The theme of the 2019 symposium will be Lyre and Voice.

For more information, see: http://www.lyrasymposium4.webnode.cz or email the symposium coordinator at: helenabartosova@centrum.cz.

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2nd International Summer Lyre Academy 2019
to Jul 21

2nd International Summer Lyre Academy 2019

Dear lyre players,

From the 14th to the 21st of July 2019 the second academy for advanced players will take place at the Lindenhof Hemmersheim near Würzburg. For seven days, there will be musical work together, and then on Friday, July 19, there will be a public concert of participants and lecturers, probably at Schloss Seehaus, the site of the first International Summer Lyre Academy.

We would like to continue the work of last year at Schloss Seehaus with this academy and take another step towards an intensive free lyre education. For 2019, we will work with the theme of dynamics – the span from the almost inaudible to the full sound development. (See related article here.)

For more information or to register (until June 15th), please see the Events section of leier-forum.com or contact Martin at martin@tobiassen.de or Christian at ruebenrudi@gmx.de.

– Christian Giersch and Martin Tobiassen

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The School of Uncovering the Voice:  2nd East Coast Singing Retreat lead by Christiaan Boele
to Jul 7

The School of Uncovering the Voice: 2nd East Coast Singing Retreat lead by Christiaan Boele

  • The Threefold Educational Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For anyone interested in singing in a holistic, spirit-filled and heart-opening way! Discover the innate potential of your voice. .Welcome singers of all levels, musicians, teachers, and any person yearning to sing with creative renewal. No special talent or musical ability required.

Christiaan Boele trained at conservatories in the Netherlands and Germany and is the leading authority in the Werbeck method. He has devoted his life to The School of Uncovering the Voice, performing, conducting and teaching courses around the globe.

Friday 6:30pm-8:30pm; Saturday 9:00am-6:30pm; Sunday 9:00am-12:30pm; Tuition $225

For more information or to register contact Shannon Boyce at 646-932-6062 or shannonaliciaboyce@gmail.com

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Uncovering The Voice:  A Three-Day Singing Workshop with Christiaan Boele
to Feb 27

Uncovering The Voice: A Three-Day Singing Workshop with Christiaan Boele

  • School of Eurythmy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

After four consecutive years of enthusiastic teaching and joyful singing, Christiaan Boele returns to bring “The School of Uncovering the Voice” back to our community for a three-day workshop. Out of the artistic impulse developed by Mrs. Valborg Werbeck-Svärdström under the guidance of Rudolf Steiner, Christiaan offers a refreshing, motivating and inspiring approach for the novice and professional alike. All are welcome who long to sing, even those who feel they cannot! No special talent required.

Christiaan Boele trained at conservatories in the Netherlands and Germany and is the leading authority in the Werbeck method. He has devoted his life to The School of Uncovering the Voice, performing, conducting and teaching courses around the globe.

For information contact Eurythmy Spring Valley: 845-352-5020, x113, info@eurythmy.org

Two sessions each day: Session One: 9:35-10:45am; Session Two: 11:15am-12:25pm; $125 in advance, $150 at the door

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to Jul 27

International Lyre Conference 2018, Netherlands

  • Stichtse Vrije School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The next World Lyre Conference will take place in the Netherlands at the Stichtse Vrije School in Zeist from Sunday, July 22nd until Friday, July 27th. The theme of the conference will be Space and all its different facets. Before the main conference, there will also be a pedagogy conference from Friday, July 20th until the start of the main conference. For more information and for updates, please go to the webpage here.

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to Jul 8

East Coast Singing Retreat Led by Christiaan Boele

  • Threefold Educational Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sponsored by The School of Uncovering the Voice & Threefold Educational Center

“Every human being has a singing voice. Our work is to unveil, take away the hindrances, and free the voice.”— Valborg Werbeck-Svärdström

For anyone interested in singing in a holistic, spirit-filled and heart-opening way! Discover the innate potential of your voice. This retreat is for singers of all levels, musicians, teachers, and any person yearning to sing with creative renewal. No special talent or musical ability is required.

Christiaan Boele trained at conservatories in the Netherlands and Germany and is the leading authority on the Werbeck method. He has devoted his life to the School of Uncovering the Voice, performing, conducting, and teaching courses around the globe.

Information, and to register: Contact Shannon Boyce: 646-932-6062 or shannonaliciaboyce@gmail.com

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to Jun 9

Jan Braunstein - American Tour

  • Camphill Village Kimberton Hills (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Friday and Saturday, June 8-9, Jan Braunstein from the Czech Republic will be in the Kimberton, PA area sharing his musical talent and leading a lyre workshop.

Concert with Jan Braunstein on the modern lyre, June 8th at 7:30.  Featuring music from the classical repertoire and original music by Jan Braunstein.  Suggested donation $15 at the door.  

Saturday Workshop: $40-$60 (sliding scale): Join other lyrists and music lovers for a full-day music workshop, including:

•   suitable for all skill levels & new players
•   lyre and other instruments
•   combined lyre and singing
•   improvisation and written music
•   ensemble coaching
•   instruments available to lend (by request)
•   tuning a' = 432Hz

Please register for the workshop by June 1st!

Jan Braunstein is an accomplished musician, composer, lyre teacher, Waldorf musicologist and teacher. He works as a freelance musician, conductor, composer, and innovator. He developed a new model of lyre. Jan leads several courses and concerts on an international level, including his North American tour in June 2018. He introduced and taught the lyre at the conservatory Prague International. He is the founder of Ateliér Délos.  (For more information go to:  www.delos.cz Contact Kerry Lee: 610-948-5026 / or Margo Ketchum: lyrists@gmail.com )

If you would like to invite Jan to your area, please contact Christina Porkert for more information: cep@fairpoint.net or call 518-758-2428.

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9:00 AM09:00


The Resonare Music Foundation Course has had a wonderful three sessions and will have a fourth on May 12th. We have had to adjust our weekends into one day events because Sheila could not attend this past year. Our last session on Saturday, May 12th, will be from 9 am until 5 pm.  Starting in September, we hope to resume our full program.

Channa Seidenberg, for the Resonare faculty, channaseidenberg@gmail.com

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to Apr 8

The Sacred Gateway: Conscious Living, Conscious Dying, and the Journey Beyond

A national conference on death and dying sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society will take place in Sacramento, CA, on April 6-8, 2018. This conference will especially honor Nancy Poer and all the threshold work she has contributed over the years. It will hopefully be the first of three conferences, one in each region. It will be of interest to anyone contemplating their own transition or caring for loved ones approaching the threshold. Early in the planning stages, the committee clearly wished for artistic activities to be a big part of the conference, and are very enthusiastic about the involvement of the lyre. We are forming a group of lyrists, mostly on the West coast for this first conference, who want to be a part of a performing group or contribute to a workshop on Music at the Threshold. If we have missed you, and you would like to be involved, either in the first or future conferences, please contact Marianne Dietzel at mariannemdietzel@gmail.com. We hope the collaboration between eurythmists, lyrists and spoken word artists will bring to life the journey of the soul between death and a new birth in a beautiful way.

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to Apr 6

Color Light Workshop in Beaver Run, April 3 - 6, 2018

Suggested themes for the workshop are the following:

The light and dark intervals and scales (Christof-Andreas)

The two color spectra phenomena (yellow/red and blue/violet) in the context of Goethe's insight into the boundary between light and darkness, how it relates to what has become of Newton's work, as well as the implications for working with after images.

If people have questions please contact uteheuser@gmx.de.

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to Nov 19

Resonare Course, First Session, November 16, 2017

  • Google Calendar ICS

RESONARE, LANA’s Foundation Course in Music out of Anthroposophy, is for musicians, music educators, class teachers, eurythmists, and fellow seekers on the path of spiritual knowledge.  Course begins November 16, 2017.  See the flyer here.  You can also go to the Resonare website here.  For more information please contact Channa Seidenberg at channaseidenberg@gmail.com

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Lyre 2017 Intensive with Martin Tobiassen
to Jul 20

Lyre 2017 Intensive with Martin Tobiassen

  • Michael Fields Agricultural Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lyre Intensive with Martin Tobiassen:   Every third year, LANA offers a dedicated lyre intensive with a master lyre teacher in preparation for an international conference the following summer. This year, we have the pleasure of welcoming internationally recognized master teacher Martin Tobiassen from the town of Witten-Annen, near Dortmund, Germany.

The Lyre Association of North America is very pleased to have the opportunity this summer of 2017 to host our lyre conference in beautiful southeastern Wisconsin, at the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute in East Troy from Sunday afternoon, July 16, through Thursday morning, July 20.

See http://lyreassociation.org/summer-2017-conference for details.

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AWME Summer Conference, with Christiaan Boele
to Jul 15

AWME Summer Conference, with Christiaan Boele

  • Michael Fields Agricultural Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Association for Waldorf Music Education will offer our annual summer conference from July 9th through the 14th - one week before the LANA Conference in the very same venue - the Michael Fields Institute in East Troy, Wisconsin, just outside of Milwaukee.  Our guest presenter will be Christiaan Boele, master teacher of the Werbeck approach to singing. Christiaan conducts master classes, courses, and trainings around the world out of the work of The School for Uncovering the Voice. In addition, students from many countries travel to Christiaan for private voice study.  He also leads a touring ensemble of twelve singers and continues to perform as a soloist.

Waldorf teachers, care givers, parents, and all students of music will benefit personally from working with the Werbeck exercises in addition to learning how to bring a healthy model of singing to our children and to others. Both personal and pedagogical aspects of Werbeck singing will be covered, and the conference will also include content from the Waldorf music pedagogy and curriculum, including hands on experience with flute, lyre, Spatial Dynamics, and more.

We invite everyone to join us in July in East Troy for our 2017 AWME Summer Music Cheilaonference with Christiaan Boule during week before the LANA Conference.  We hope that many friends will take advantage of TWO renowned master teachers in the same venue during back to back weeks at the beautiful Michael Fields Institute!

Registration for the conference will be open soon at waldorfmusic.org or contact Andrea Lyman at themusicpainter@gmail.com for more information.

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Renewal for Musicians, Music Lovers, and Music Teachers!
to Jul 7

Renewal for Musicians, Music Lovers, and Music Teachers!

  • Center for Anthroposophy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Musical Experience as Light on the Path: Guidance and Healing through Rudolf Steiner’s Six Auxiliary Exercises With Gotthard Killian

How do we cultivate creativity in the age of news media and technology? 

What kind of "life tech" will best help us to harness the forces within and around us in order to navigate the modern world as free human beings? 

Rudolf Steiner provided six exercises to help us discern our relationship to the many voices that ask for our energy and attention. We will work with these exercises in relation to the musical forces in the world, the cosmos, the earth, and the human soul. The gesture of the interval will guide us from its planetary expression in the Harmony of the Spheres to the inner soul experience and from there to social harmony.

See more information here

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Lead Singing Groups with Confidence! A joyful course with Jeffrey Spade!
to Jul 7

Lead Singing Groups with Confidence! A joyful course with Jeffrey Spade!

  • Center for Anthroposophy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Singing and Conducting for Class & Music Teachers and Group Leaders with Jeffrey Spade

One of the distinguishing aspects of working in a Waldorf school is vocal music.  Whether it is the purity of the young voices, the glorious rounds that accompany the morning lessons, or the older classes finding their way to singing four-part harmony, music permeates the day. The class teacher and the music teacher alike have the joyous challenge of leading this singing with every student in class. 

Part of this challenge lies in how to lead the music.  When do you let it flow? When does it need direction? This course will encompass a range of music from easy pentatonic songs from the early grades to challenging songs in four-part harmony.

See more information here


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