Pedroli, Thomas - Chinese Song for a "Mantle of Lyre Sound Around the Earth" (a FREE download)

Pedroli, Thomas - Chinese Song for a "Mantle of Lyre Sound Around the Earth" (a FREE download)


A message from Veronika Roemer, . . .

Let us create a "Mantle of Lyre Sound" around the earth, to help with the healing, strengthening, and spiritual striving of humanity. This initiative is meant as an ongoing project until we are able to move on from the COVID-19 pandemic (and maybe beyond that?). We can focus on the time between 5 and 9 PM (17 to 21 h), wherever you live, or play freely as you wish. Thank you for considering joining us to create a worldwide mantle of lyre sound to help us all to move in the direction of hearing the 'Morning Call of Michael’!

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