Report from the 2016 Annual Members’ Meeting
/Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Lyre Association of North America, 2016
The AGM took place at 4:45 pm just before the start of the 2016 Lyre Conference in Hadley, MA, Hartsbrook Waldorf School on July 5, 2016. Those present (18), together with mailed proxies (14), constituted a quorum of members.
The business portion of the meeting consisted of electing three new board members for a three-year term: Julia Elliott, Wendy Polich, and Seeya Zheng. The three board members who left were acknowledged with many thanks for their years of service: Catherine Decker, Rosamond Hughes, and Suzanne Mays. In addition, on the June 2016 proxy forms, Diane Barnes and Cheryl Martine expressed willingness to be nominated for future service as board members. The 2016 slate of officers was announced: President: Sheila Johns; Vice-President: Channa Seidenberg; Secretary: Colleen Shetland; and Treasurer: Margo Ketchum.
It was also noted that:
- LANA’s by-laws regarding nominations and election of board members and officers have been reviewed by the board;
- The by-laws will be updated and made available for review by the membership;
- Criteria for board membership and duties of the officers will be posted on the LANA website in the near future;
- LANA members may offer the name of any member for consideration as a nominee for board membership.
Reports and updates were presented on:
1. Lyre Rentals: Rosamond Hughes read guidelines for lyre rental. The purpose for the program is to give people new to the lyre an opportunity to try different instruments before purchase. There is a yearly contract, with a two-year limit suggested. There is also a rent-to-own option for some of the lyres.
2. Soundings: Sheila Johns reported that we are now publishing one annual edition of Soundings but that we hope to be able to produce two issues a year in the future. Submissions are always welcome.
3. Music Sales: Rosamond reported that LANA members receive a 5% discount on purchases up to $50, and 10% discount on purchases over $50.
4. Treasurer' Report: Margo Ketchum reported that our total cash assets at the end of the fiscal year (3/31/16, in three bank accounts) were $16,904, plus lyres owned by LANA valued at $11,000, with lyre books and music valued at $7,158 – for total assets of $35,061.
Income over Expense included the following:
- Lyre 2015 Conference - $53,996
- Direct Public Support - $3,059
- Music Sales - $5,390
- Membership Dues - $1,895
- Lyre Rentals - $1,159
Program Income Total: $65,499
- LANA Publications - $780
- Music / Books - $5,259
- Lyre 2015 Conference - $59,945
Program Expense Total: $65,984
5. World Lyre Community News via Facebook:
- Horand Gartner’s shop experienced flooding, and he lost many instruments. We will keep members apprised of news about opportunities to make contributions.
- Vicky Deng from China—A series of three successful workshops with John Billing had just been completed.
- Yarden Regal is active on Facebook and very much appreciates communication with members of the lyre community. She continues to play her lyre and sing in public venues in Israel and supports the impulse in every way she can.
6. Regional Reports:
- Cuenca, Ecuador: from Sheila Johns, with Andrea Lyman. Beginnings of an impulse for Waldorf Education being offered through the new Uriel Center for Human Renewal through the Arts and Education, which will be sponsoring events, speakers, festivals, study groups, and an Advent Garden and Spiral.
- Pacific NW: Channa went to Vancouver, held a workshop including Colin Tanser’s “Everyman.” There was an interest in the planetary scales.
- Colorado: Hartmut Schiffer has sponsored the purchase of three lyres for the Waldorf School of the Roaring Fork, Carbondale, CO. Hartmut Schiffer also spoke of the lyre’s necessary role in the future of education and the world.
- Chicago: Two teachers have gone to China. Marianne Dietzel and Sheila Devlin are active in Minnesota. Carol Eisen, Beth Kelly, and Debbie Barford held a workshop in Madison, WI entitled “Lyre Space,” with Colin Tanser’s music
- Detroit area: Mary Lynn Channer continues to teach and play the lyre around southern Michigan and to host festivals with lyre and singing. The Detroit Branch went to the Channers for the St John's Festival, which included five lyres. Mary Lynn also gave kinderharp classes for the kindergarten children at the RS School of Ann Arbor last spring. Michael Brewer continues to compose music for the lyre, both for the Christian Community services and his expanding collection of blues and ragtime pieces. Nancy Carpenter plays for the Christian Community services, for the pre-K to 5th grade Eurythmy classes at the school, and kinderharp sessions for first. second, and third graders. Her three 6th and 7th graders have continued to improve and are enjoying Colin Tanser's music. The seventh graders and Nancy accompanied the eighth grade Eurythmy performance of "The Crystal Ball" at the end of the last school year.
- Virginia: Samantha Embrey held a lyre retreat last November at her home in Piney River, VA.
- Washington, DC: the Aurora Lyre quartet was preparing a program for performance at a senior facility, which was postponed because of illness of one of the members.
- Kimberton, PA: Veronika Roemer translated from German into English, Gerhard Bielharz’s book about playing the kinderharp.
Much more could have been shared, but the reports from the Northeast were suspended because of lack of time. These will be updated in Lyre Notes.