LANA Regional Membership Designations
/Many of you will recall reading in our Fall Lyre Notes about the new LANA initiative we are calling The Lyre Connection, whose primary purpose will be to connect beginning lyrists with more experienced players who could serve as informal mentors. Although such an arrangement could definitely be made online, we realized that if we had some idea where our various members were located geographically, it could allow certain of our members to be able to connect physically. With this idea in mind, we would like to share with you the regional breakdown of our membership as it is presently constituted:
New England: ME, NH, MA (7 members)
Mid-Atlantic: NY, PA (24 members)
South: MD, VA, NC (8 members)
Mid-West: MI, MN, OH, IN, IL, WI, MO (13 members)
Rocky Mountains/Southwest: CO, UT, ID, TX (6 members)
Pacific Coast: WA, OR, CA (14 members)
Canada: (3 members)
South America: (4 members)
Other International: (14 members)
Knowing who plays the lyre in the different geographical regions may even allow players to consider an occasional regional lyre gathering! To this end, we would like to announce that we are also looking to designate a representative from each region who would be willing to be a contact person for that local region as well as a point of contact with the LANA Board.
It is our vision to have LANA representatives from each of these regions listed above, which would allow us to take an exciting and rewarding step in the direction of deepening our lyre playing communities on the local as well as national levels! If you would like to meet other lyrists in your geographical region and would consider serving LANA and the development of lyre playing in your local area, please contact Julia Elliott at or (978) 352-5581.