Call for Contributions for Michaelmas Lyre Notes
/We are dedicating the Michaelmas issue of Lyre Notes to our dear friend and colleague, Kerry Lee, who crossed the threshold of death on Tuesday, September 8th at 1:40 pm EDT. We invite anyone who is so moved to contribute a reflection, a paragraph, or an article, in tribute to Kerry. Photos are also welcome.
We welcome:
News, stories, photos, and announcements about World Lyre Day,
Lyre happenings in your region
Reviews of any item in our store, and
Ads from our members.
The copy deadline has been extended to September 24th. We look forward to hearing from you!!
Contributions may be sent to
Please note: Because of space limitations, we ask contributors to limit their articles to 250 words. Please understand that if you submit a longer article, Lyre Notes editors reserve the right to shorten your article. Articles may also be edited for grammar and accuracy.