Further news from the International Lyre Conference

Dear friends,

As of June 2nd, our World Lyre Conference has 40 registered participants from 12 countries around the world (CZE, AUT, BEL, IRL, ECU, MYS, CHE, DEU, ISR, GBR, USA, FRA). Our Pedagogical Lyre Conference has 16 registered participants. We can therefore confirm the holding of the conferences on the planned dates of August 5–7th and August 7th–14th, 2022 in the Czech Republic, specifically in the Castle Stables and in the Monasteries of Český Krumlov.

All the information about the Program and the practical information about the Accommodation, Conference Fee, Transport, Food as well as the Sign-Up Form for registration can be found on our website: https://www.lyra-symposium.cz/en/world-lyre-conference2022. The pre-booked accommodation is extended until the end of June.

We look forward to meeting you at the 8th World Lyre Conference.

Helena Hlaváčková
Organizer and Coordinator of WLC

World Lyre Conference 2022

Please note: LANA’s Financial Aid deadline is June 30. You can find the Financial Aid form at the following link: https://forms.gle/BnSm8W6CHQ33y6CQ9.