As the Board of LANA has examined how we can expand our influence through our Outreach working group, we have made a decision to put increased focus on exposing early childhood teachers to the lyre through making 7-string children's lyres available through our Lyre Rental program and by adding music and texts on the mood of the fifth and pentatonic music to our Music Sales offerings.  Along those lines, we have created an ad for the upcoming annual conference sponsored by the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN) in February of each year. In addition, one of our local LANA Board members will have a table during the conference to distribute relevant information, to share sample copies of music, and to make children's lyres available for conference participants to try.

We wanted our members and friends to see the ad we placed so all of us can spread the word that LANA has a number of resources to support both lyre playing and singing for early childhood educators!