An Invitation to Join the LANA Study Group – A New Initiative
/LANA is initiating a study group for members! It will be held via Zoom at regular intervals and the subject matter will be related to anthroposophic music, the lyre, and the Movement for the Renewal of Music.
Sistine Madonna - Raphael
At July’s LANA Board retreat, we spent some time reviewing our current services to members and brainstorming what additional services our members might be interested in. For many years, our monthly board meetings have included an ongoing study of one of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on music. It has really enriched our board work, and we wanted to extend a similar opportunity to our members
This year, we have had many questions about the use of lyre to accompany the prints of paintings known as the Madonna Sequence. In 2002, Raffael Verlag, publishers of these prints and cards, adopted a revised sequence of these paintings, based on an article published by an anthroposophic design specialist, Reinhold Johann Faeth.
Our first study will be a reading and review of Faeth’s article ‘The Madonna Pentagram’, where he outlines the reasons for revising the order of the Madonna Sequence images. It was published in Zeitschrift Seelenpflege, January 1998, and we will use the English translation by David Barford and Rose Edwards, January 2003. Because this order is different than that traditionally used, we felt it would be good to share this article and give others the opportunity to work through the differences as outlined by Faeth.
The article is linked here. Stay tuned for further details – we would like to hear from our members interested in participating, as well as suggestions for further study.