Spotlight on Summer Lyre Conference Afternoon Workshops

The theme of our 2024 Summer Lyre Conference points to the lyre as a pathway to balance. In addition to the lyre intensive aspect of our program, we will be guided through balance in movement and listening. We have also scheduled workshops after lunch on the three full days of our conference, each of which will focus on a different special topic related to our work as lyrists.

Workshop One on LYRE CARE will be led by Sarah Boyd, who will also lead our movement and listening session. Sarah has years of practical experience in caring for the lyre as a musical instrument. From general care to maximize the health of our instruments to learning how to change lyre strings, Sarah will help participants to increase their skill in managing and caring for their own instruments. We will have some strings available for purchase, but we encourage any participants who need individual string changes or replacements to order and bring strings for your own lyre. (Regrettably, there will not be time during our conference for any full lyre re-stringing.)

Workshop Two on a unique sequence of MADONNA paintings and sculptures will be led by LANA Board members Catherine Read and Debra Barford. This workshop will be based on the content that has been the focus of our first LANA Study Group this spring. The background and history of this special sequence of images as well as their therapeutic and hygienic use will be reviewed, along with various settings of lyre music to accompany the showing of the images. Several of these musical settings will be available for purchase during the conference.

Workshop Three on SINGING will be led by guest teacher Stephanie Aurig from the Raphael School of Singing and Singing Therapy in Germany – a master teacher, therapist, and pedagogue in the Werbeck approach to singing represented by the School for Uncovering the Voice. Stephanie will be in the US to start a four-year training in Anthroposophical Therapeutic Singing based on this unique approach to freeing the voice – the sister art out of anthroposophy to the freeing of the tone through the lyre. The workshop will review the basic approach to the Werbeck method of singing, breathing, and listening as a phenomenological path to heightening sensory perception and sensitivity to the miracle of the sung tone.

Stephanie will also be offering 30-minute private lessons and consultations at non-scheduled times during our conference days for a suggested donation of $25. In addition, following lunch on Saturday, the 17th, Stephanie will hold a meeting for anyone interested in learning more about the singing training she will be leading later in August outside of Denver, Colorado. (See following flyer for more details).

Our three afternoon workshops will be held at 2:15 pm and repeated on all of our three full conference days so that all participants have the opportunity to attend each one of the workshops.

We are very pleased to be able to offer such a rich variety of topics related to the lyre during our time together, and it is our hope that all participants will avail themselves of the many opportunities we will have during our conference week to experience the lyre as a pathway to balance!