Lyre Day Greetings from Hillsdale, New York

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Hillsdale, NY gathering

Greetings, everyone - I just wanted to give you a picture of our day in the Berkshire Taconic region: We had 14 people come together to sing and play, spanning 7 decades in terms of age. We started with Channa's listening verse, played the Moon scale, and I gave a brief picture of Channa's life as related to the lyre and listening.

We had a full program which we practiced in the morning, and after lunch we worked on a piece of Akiko's that includes bells. For our sharing we had 25-30 people come, despite the afternoon heat! Marty Hunt had a wonderful picture board of many photos of Channa throughout her life which was set up in the lobby of the Church. It was quite lovely.D173

I would love to hear about how others celebrated the day. Knowing that many people were playing Channa's pieces all over the globe feels like a meaningful tribute, to her and all the others who have helped to bring this special instrument into the world. Channa certainly left us with some precious treasures. -Catherine Decker