Second Lyre Academy in Germany

Second Lyre Academy in Germany

by Veronika Roemer, Quakertown, PA: This past July I had the great fortune to attend the second lyre academy in Germany, with Christian Giersch and Martin Tobiassen as the organizers and teachers.

and by Saeko Cohn, Nyack, New York: This one-week lyre “boot camp” in Germany provided everything that I needed after my Resonare course: to improve my lyre playing skill and play more music in ensembles.

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Spring 2019 Lyre Notes - Call for contributions

Help us keep our lyre community connected!
We’re gathering lyre stories…​

...and would love to include a contribution from you for our Spring 2019 edition of Lyre Notes! We welcome news, stories, photos, and announcements of lyre happenings in your region. Our copy deadline is March 15th. We look forward to hearing from you!!

Please send your contributions to

If you are curious about... ​

Thank you and happy lyre playing!

Wendy Polich, Lyre Notes Editor
Lyre Association of North America

Book Review: “Guide to Playing the Pentatonic Children's Lyre”

This book, a guide for playing the 7-string pentatonic children’s lyre, originally published in German by Mechthild Laier and Gerhard Beilharz, has been newly translated by Veronika Roemer and edited by Sheila Johns.

“This booklet is meant for parents and teachers who wish to sing and play music for or with preschool children. In this context, the 7-string pentatonic children’s lyre has proven to be an easily accessible musical instrument. In these pages, Laier and Beilharz introduce a playing technique step-by-step. Those who cannot read music will learn to do so at the same time. They give suitable examples of songs, ideas for improvisations, and discuss situations where the pentatonic children’s lyre is of particular help, i.e., at bedtime, or to accompany a story with music. In the addendum, you will find practical tips for tuning and putting on new strings as well as suggestions for further development, reference material, and contacts.”